Saturday, September 12, 2015

IP : Installing Tomcat Server in Linux

I am showing the procedure using Ubuntu. And don't worry, installation procedure won't change for different Linux distributions. I am just mentioning that I am using Ubuntu.

Installing Tomcat Server :

Follow these steps with some slight modifications that I am mentioning:

First of all, Mam was telling that there are some problems in installing tomcat using apt-get command, I suppose some packages will be missed. Not sure. So, I downloaded the tar file from the url :

the link keeps changing, so if you get 404 File Not Found, go to

and try downloading newer versions.

Now, follow the steps in the Digital Ocean website from the "untar file" step using "tar" command. And where ever they say "~/path/to/tomcat" use "/opt/tomcat"

After following all the steps, you should have all the files of tomcat in your /opt folder.

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