Wednesday, July 8, 2015

IP Lab Ex 2 : Creating a Site

We were actually told to create site using many tags...very new ones too, like <svg> , <canvas>

I have no idea about them, some graphics stuff I heard. But no big deal, you could actually go to site and search any tag you want.

But then, use tags only if you need them. You don't have to use them just for the sake of using them.
Though I did use tags like <header> and <footer> just like that :P I know right, I am one to talk.

Now, from examination point of view, I don't think you need a looooot of creativity, may be you just need some. And some basic knowledge about websites, like how they look, and you should be done.
Rest all is about presentation, and appropriate usage of tags and I used even JavaScript, very basic stuff actually. I learnt it from w3schools site, actually you can learn from anywhere.

I learnt some "event handling" stuffs, like what happens when you click something, what happens when you roll over your mouse over something. It's really cool how your website can be dynamic. And I heard you can even do animations using JavaScript or even JQuery, which I mentioned in an earlier post.

There are lots of concepts out there, like " DOM Elements " and stuff, I don't know much about them, but you could take a look if you are interested. If you have been active in Paradigm work and have seen some seniors asking you to login to your facebook account to invite your friends using scripts,'s JavaScript (again JQuery can be used) and while writing those scripts, these DOM concepts will be really useful. They just run these scripts in the browser console (? Google it, I just did :P), to simulate a click on the "invite" button on the page.

There are really some cool stuff out there like these! Get a glimpse at it! We are Computer Science Engineers and we should know these!

My Website

It's not that good actually. And if you are gonna see it, I would like you to know that no ebook pdfs are attached :P and some video links are missing :P and if you click the "SSN" word on top, you go to home page. Well, I am saying because the cursor symbol doesn't change to a hand symbol (like for a link) when you roll over the "SSN" word on top :P

P.S : That's one big post! And if you read between lines or just came straight to "P.S"... no wonder ! :P

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