Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Snort Installation in Windows and Linux

There's nothing much to talk about. This video tells it all :

If you don't prefer videos and rather prefer text, then the written form of the instructions that the above video gives is here :

Linux [ Beware. It's tedious. ]

Weird that I installed this software in Windows. I hardly use Windows these days. But I checked out the above video and the guy used Windows and I just followed it and did the whole the thing. But if you are a Linux lover, and use a Linux distro, here's a written tutorial on how to install Snort in Ubuntu :

But Beware. I see a lot of complications in the first page (of the above link) itself. I mean, the way the installation goes. Like they use Virtual Machine to install Ubuntu in it, but you don't have to if you have some Linux distro installed in your PC, and then they get Snort by compiling source files of Snort. And then there are lot more steps. I am yet to check it out the whole thing. Still, I just thought I should share the link. But then, don't do it if you aren't up for tedious tasks.

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