Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Computer Graphics Ex 1 : Primtives

If you have attended Computer Graphics Lab, read further.

This is some good page I found about primitives, except for Polygons :

I was planning to put up some codes and show some outputs based on the above explanation...anyways, most of them are easy, and you would understand them on your own, if you read it along with the examples given in the above link...

If you still want to look at code and some output pictures, here's a link I found out just now :

The above link has code, output pictures and some stuff about polygons, actually, convex polygons, which I never understood when I just tried the code and checked the output to understand it by trial and error...It's still a bit confusing for, read it slow and twice...other than that, everything should be okay with some reference using the links and practice.

And if you have attended the lab, you would know that Ex 1 is just about drawing these simple primitives. And then we have a chess board drawing. It's cool, try it soon! You can draw these using the primitives, which makes things easier. But later, I think, we will even do stuff like - use just points to draw stuff. Just point primitive. Cool, isn't it ? :P

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