Saturday, June 27, 2015

Feedback and About Blog

If you are visiting this blog, and if you think it helps you, do give feedback through comments or mail, about what you expect from the blog. Like, is it good to have posts that teach you how to do stuff ? or you want code ? or both ? or what ?

About posting code...well, I am really not the type of person who just copies code or encourages the same. Though I must say, I never typed much of SQL queries in 3rd sem and had lots of issues learning it later.

Most times, it's some lazy person asking for code...very few people get code from others and learn from it, by analyzing it. And believe me when I say - One of the toughest jobs is, understanding another guy's code. I would say you better break your head and try writing the code instead of breaking your head trying to understand the way someone else thinks. Just a suggestion.

So, codes won't be posted much. At least, not exact codes for lab work, though related codes and references will be posted.

Don't forget to give feedback!

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